Unabridged Marriage certificates

How can we help you:

We can apply for your Unabridged marriage certificate on your behalf and have the certificate issued in an average time frame of 3 to 5 weeks.

Please note that this service can be expedited if provided with the dha30 or bi30 Marriage register.

Should you not have this document, it is highly recommended that you contact your marriage officer and request a scan of the register.

Should you not be able to locate the Marriage Officer or they no longer possess the register we can still assist with applying for the Unabridged Marriage certificate having it processed at head office and having authorisation to print sent to the branch before we will collect it for you from the branch. The above is dependent on the location of the records.

We are able to draw marriage registers for marriages that took place before 1970 from the National Archives.

We can apply for old marriage certificates where there is no ID numbers available.

We can also expedite existing applications for Unabridged Marriage certificates.

We will have your application processed at head office and notify you that you can collect from the initial branch of application once done.

Complete the DHA130 Application form

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Immigration Assist

What is an Unabridged Marriage certificate
The unabridged certificate, also known as a full marriage certificate, contains more detailed information than the abridged version. This is the most formal certificate available and is required if you plan to emigrate or obtain a foreign passport. Additionally if one or both of the parties is not a South African the unabridged certificate will be required to register the marriage in the country of origin Your unabridged marriage certificate contains more information than the abridged. Most importantly it has the signature and designation number of the issuing officer which is required by the department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) for authenticating the document. Inquire about our legalisation and authentication services or click on the below link to Apostille certificates.

In addition to the above, an Unabridged Marriage Certificate also contains the marital status of the parties to the Marriage when they entered into the Marriage. 

An Unabridged Marriage certificate is only issued by the department of Home Affairs after a Moderator in Head Office has cross checked the information supplied on the application form against the information on record contained in the marriage register on file. Once they are satisfied all is true and correct authorisation to print is sent to the branch of application.

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